16 August: fyi -- sentiment analysis, Pittsburgh

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Postdoctoral Research Associate Position

Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis
University of Pittsburgh

The Subjectivity and Sentiment research group at the University of
Pittsburgh is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join ongoing projects:

* Extracting opinions and beliefs from text
* Developing lexical resources for subjectivity and sentiment analysis
* Exploiting knowledge of opinions in NLP applications such as
question answering and information extraction

Applicants should have a PhD in Computer Science, Linguistics, or
related field with a focus on Natural Language Processing. Interest
and experience in some of the following are desirable: subjectivity
and sentiment analysis, lexical semantics, corpus annotation,
discourse processing, question answering and information extraction,
and empirical methods for NLP.

The initial term of the appointment will be two or three years, with
possible extensions as funding permits. Salary will include full
benefits. The targeted start date is January 1, 2007, but the position
could begin earlier this fall.

Please send a statement of interest, CV, and the names and addresses
of 3 references to Jan Wiebe (wiebe@cs.pitt.edu,

The position is located at the University of Pittsburgh in the
Department of Computer Science (http://www.cs.pitt.edu). The
Subjectivity and Sentiment group is also part of the Natural Language
Processing Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh

Index of August 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index