24 August: fyi -- language modelling, Cambridge

Index of August 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

Research Associates
Speech and Language Processing
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge

A number of positions are available for Research Associates and for
exceptionally well-qualified candidates for Senior Research
Associates to work on a project funded by the DARPA Global Autonomous
Language Exploitation (GALE) program. The aim of GALE is to develop
and apply speech and language processing technologies to recognise,
analyse and translate large volumes of speech and text in multiple
languages. A wide range of research areas will be pursued including:
improving the word error rate of conventional speech recognition
systems; extracting additional acoustic and linguistic meta-data from
acoustic data to aid recognition and translation; improving
statistical machine translation; integration of speech recognition
and machine translation. The work will use, and extend, the existing
state-of-the-art large vocabulary recognition systems and statistical
machine translation systems developed at Cambridge University. For
further details, and to obtain an application form, see


This is an opportunity to work in a research group which has a world-
leading reputation in speech recognition and statistical machine
translation research. There are excellent opportunities for
publications, travel and conference visits. The group has outstanding
research facilities. For suitably qualified candidates there may also
be the chance to contribute to the MPhil in Computer Speech, Text and
Internet Technology (http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/cstit/).

Candidates must have a very good first degree in a relevant
discipline and preferably have a higher degree. Since the project
will use and extend the HTK toolkit (http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk) and
the translation template model system, a good knowledge of C or C++
is required. In addition, experience in one or more of the following
technical areas is a distinct advantage:
- machine translation;
- weighted finite state machines;
- machine learning and statistical pattern processing
- language modelling for large vocabulary speech
- speech recognition with the HTK toolkit.
As two of the target languages are Arabic and Mandarin, fluency in
either of these languages would be an advantage.

The project started on 1 September 2005 and has a five year duration,
depending on satisfactory milestone completion. Appointments will be
made for up to two years in the first instance with the expectation
of continuation subject to the yearly renewal of the project and
satisfactory performance. Salary on appointment will be in the range
from £20,235 to £30,607 for Research Associates and £31,525 to
£39,935 for Senior Research Associates.

A letter of application and a CV should be sent to Alex Outhwaite,
Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ,
(Tel +44 01223 766972, Fax +44 01223 332662, email
afo20@eng.cam.ac.uk), so as to reach her not later than 18th
September 2006.

Index of August 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index