12 September: fyi -- phd funding in robotics, Dublin

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robotics and are currently forming a cross faculty robotics research
group. At the same time DIT have recently launched an attractive new
funding scheme - the Abbest PhD Postgraduate Research Scholarships. We
are hoping to leverage this funding scheme to attract new researchers
to our robotics group and would be grateful if you could pass on the
attached flyer about the Abbest scheme to any recent graduates that
might be interested in doing a PhD in the area of robotics at DIT.

Briefly, applications for the scheme are made by students through DIT
Graduate Studies. The minimum entry criteria is a 2.1 honours degree
or equivalent. For successful applicants the scheme provides a
EUR16,000 per annum maintenance grant for 3.5 years, a research
expense account and all programme fees.

For more information about robotics at DIT please contact Brian Mac
Namee (Brian.MacNamee@comp.dit.ie) or John Kelleher
(John.Kelleher@comp.dit.ie) who would be happy to assist students in
the preparation of their application.



Index of September 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index