12 September: fyi -- human-computer interaction, NY

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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Language, Literature and Communication

Tenure Track Faculty Position (Rank Open) in Human-Computer Interaction

The Department of Language, Literature and Communication seeks a strong
scholar/researcher in human-computer interaction. We will consider
candidates in any area of HCI; however, we are especially interested in
candidates whose research interests are in the areas of social computing,
mobile/ubiquitous computing, or user-centered design, and who implement
systems or perform rigorous laboratory or field studies as part of their
research approach. Candidates are expected to develop a substantial
program of research leading to peer-reviewed publication and external
funding. A junior candidate should show evidence of strong promise in
teaching and scholarship and a senior candidate should have a strong
record in teaching and scholarship.

Teaching opportunities will be at the undergraduate and graduate level
with the typical teaching load set at two courses per semester.
Desirable teaching expertise includes interface prototyping and
implementation, HCI usability and evaluation techniques, and design

The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary faculty conducting state-of-the-art research on communication in technologically mediated contexts in areas such as human-computer interaction, communication studies, digital rhetoric, technical communication, media studies, and graphic design. The department has just added a new M.S. in Human Computer Interaction to a program portfolio that includes one of the top-ranked Ph.D.?s in Communication and Rhetoric and a joint B.S. in Electronic Media, Arts, and Communication. The department also makes substantial contributions to teaching in a B.S. and M.S. in Information Technology and has a joint B.S. in game studies under development. Faculty and students have access to the Social and Behavioral Laboratory (http://www.sbrl.rpi.edu) and other Institute research facilities. More information about the department is available at http://www.llc.rpi.edu.
Rensselaer is a U.S. News and World Report top-50 university with
approximately 5000 undergraduate and 2500 graduate students. It is
located in the emerging "Tech Valley" region of the Hudson River Valley
with New York City, Boston, and Montreal only a few hours away. The
region is known for its quality of life: Outdoor recreation
opportunities in the Adirondack and Berkshire Mountains are only an hour
or so away. The area boasts affordable Victorian architecture and is a
cultural center for the arts. Rensselaer?s own EMPAC ? the Experimental
Media and Performing Arts Center ? will provide unsurpassed facilities
for creative exploration and for research linking art and technology when
it opens in 2007.

Appointment begins August 15, 2006. Review of applications will begin
February 1, 2006 and will continue until suitable candidates are
identified. Application letter, current c.v., writing samples, and three
letters of recommendation should be sent to:

James P. Zappen, Search Committee Chair
Department of Language, Literature, and Communication
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street
Troy, NY 12180

Email: zappenj@rpi.edu
Telephone: (518) 276-8117
Fax: (518) 276- 4092

Index of September 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index