2 November: fyi -- NLP postdoc, France

Index of November 2007 | Index of year: 2007 | Full index

Subject: In the Multimedia Multilingual Knowledge Engineering
Laboratory (LIC2M) of the CEA LIST , we are currently working on a
project of creating a very large lexical network. This postdoc
concerns filtering and classifying acquired networks for a given
domain, such as sports.

We are looking for someone with experience in large scale data mining,
in programming, and who has experience with both the problems
associated with large text corpora and knowledge modelling.

The CEA LIST, a Lab of applied research on software-intensive
technologies near Paris actively engaged in research work extending
from conceptual design of systems to pre-industrial prototypes,
contributes to the transfer of technology and encourages innovation,
particularly by assisting the emergence of new businesses. LIST
technology has enabled the creation of a number of startups, including
Haption (haptic interfaces), ActiCM (3D measurement systems), M2M
(non-destructive testing) and NewPhenix (multimedia content analysis).

Restrictive conditions on the candidatures: Phd awarded after January
2006, diplomas avec distinction

Contract: Fixed-term, 1 year, starting after Jan 1, 2008

Place: Fontenay aux Roses (near Paris) France


Deadline: 2008/01/07

Write: Gregory.Grefenstette@cea.fr ,
letter with motivation and research interests,
Sending a CV as attachment

Gregory Grefenstette


Laboratoire d'ingénerie de la connaissance multimedia multilingue

BP 6, 18 route du Panorama

92265 Fontenay-aux-Roses CEDEX


tel (33) 1 46 54 96 56

fax (33) 1 46 54 75 80

sec (33) 1 46 54 91 17

Index of November 2007 | Index of year: 2007 | Full index