12 April: fyi -- digitizing texts, Chicago

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Job Announcement

Persepolis Fortification Archives
Research Project Professionals

The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago seeks to
appoint two new staff members to make digital images of Aramaic
texts and of seal impressions on tablets from the Persepolis
Fortification archive.

Knowledge of Aramaic epigraphy and/or Achaemenid glyptic and/or the
Persepolis Fortification archive is highly desirable. Comfort with
digital technology, familiarity with computers and a variety of
computer programs is essential. Graduate work in some area of
ancient Near Eastern studies is required. Applicants with these
qualifications who have completed PhDs in areas pertinent to
research on Achaemenid texts and art, as well as applicants
admitted to PhD candidacy in these areas, are encouraged to apply.

The successful applicants will receive training in large-format
very high-resolution digital scanning and Polynomial Texture
Mapping and in making, processing, and uploading images. They will
then capture images of Aramaic texts and of seal impressions on
clay tablets from Persepolis, under the supervision of the
Persepolis Fortification Archives project team, and process the
scans for uploading and editing.

The work is to begin on July 1, 2007 and continue through December
31, 2008. Salary for each post is $22,000 (July-December 2007) +
$44,000 (January-December 2008), with benefits.

Funding for these positions is assured from July, 2007 through
December, 2008. There is a possibility that additional funding
will be obtained and that the positions can be extended.

To apply for this position, please apply online at the University
of Chicago's job posting website at http://jobs.uchicago.edu
(requisition # 075728 or 075622 - Research Project Professional)

Applications must be received by May 15th, 2007.

For additional information, please contact:
Matthew Stolper
Oriental Institute
University of Chicago
1155 East 58th Street
Chicago, Il., 690093

The University of Chicago is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer.

Index of April 2007 | Index of year: 2007 | Full index