28 August: fyi -- communication, Arizona

Index of August 2007 | Index of year: 2007 | Full index


The ASU Department of Communication Studies, located at the west campus
in Phoenix, plays an integral role in Arizona State University's
multi-campus research and teaching mission. One of several ASU
departments offering communication degrees, Communication Studies is
strongly committed to interdisciplinary scholarship, methodological
diversity, a collegial environment, the blending of liberal arts and
human services traditions, and a rigorous undergraduate and graduate
education. The department benefits from its location on an intimate
campus (8,500 students) with excellent library and faculty support
services as well as access to the vast resources of the larger ASU
system of campuses. The department consists of 10 full-time faculty
and is adding these two assistant professor positions to better serve
our 300 undergraduate majors and 40 M.A. students. We seek exemplary
teacher-scholars to support the department's strengths in two areas.
Candidates with qualifications that match either of the descriptions
below or some combination of the two are encouraged to apply. Please
visit our web site at: http://chs.asu.edu/depts_schools/comm_studies/ .

Position 1. Applied Interpersonal Communication. The department seeks
a scholar with research and teaching expertise in applied communication
with emphasis in one or more of the following applied contexts: health,
aging, family relationships, youth development, work relationships,
mediated relationships, interpersonal advocacy.

Position 2. New Media. The department seeks scholars with teaching and
research expertise in the study of new media with emphasis in one or
more of the following areas: emerging technologies; race, ethnicity,
and media; political economy and media; global media; media theory.

REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. (by 8/15/2008); relevant area of
research specialization; an active program of research, with potential
to establish excellence in scholarship; a strong record of publication;
evidence of excellence in teaching.

DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Capacity to advance the department's commitment
to serving diverse students and communities; potential for academic
entrepreneurship and/or acquisition of external funds; capacity to teach
courses related to advocacy; experience in teaching undergraduate
courses in scientific or humanistic research methods.

Application Deadline: October 15th, 2007; if not filled, the 1st and
15th of each month thereafter until the search is closed.

Application Procedure: Send (1) a letter of application explaining fit
with the appropriate position description(s), (2) a curriculum vita, (3)
three letters of reference, (4) evidence of teaching effectiveness, and
(4) samples of publications to Ms. Patricia Bellew, Search Committee
Coordinator, Department of Communication Studies, Arizona State
University, PO Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100. Electronic
applications and supportive documents are invited. Please send
electronic application along with supportive documents to:

ASU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer in policy and
practice, and the Department actively seeks and supports a diverse
workforce. A background check is required prior to employment.

ASU offers applicants an opportunity to voluntarily self-disclose
information for the University's diversity plan; applicants may complete
an EEO survey for the position(s) to which they apply at:

Index of August 2007 | Index of year: 2007 | Full index