2 September: fyi -- phd funding, Germany

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The research group for Information Systems and Semantic Web (ISWeb) of Prof.
Steffen Staab at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Department of Computer
Science, is seeking candidates for a research associate having earned a
M.Sc. (or equivalent) and pursueing a Ph.D. degree. The position will be
assigned to the MULTIPLA project (Multi-Ontology Learning: Crossing the
Boundaries of Domains and Languages). The project will be devoted to
developing new paradigms for ontology learning with a particular focus on
combining different natural languages and domains for knowledge retrieval
applications. This project is funded by the German Research Foundation
(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). The project duration is 3 years.

For further information on the MULTIPLA project: see


Applicants should have essential skills and experience in at least one, and
preferably several, of the following areas: ontology learning methods,
development and evaluation of information retrieval models (probabilistic,
logical, or language models). Additionally, knowledge in the areas of Web
Mining, Machine Learning, Information Extraction and multi-lingual
Information Retrieval would be desirable. The appointment will be made on
the German salary scale for public service (Grade TVL-13), ranging from EUR
35.000 - EUR 39.000 pa depending on grade-relevant qualifications and
experience. The project work will require the development of new techniques
for learning ontologies for different natural languages or domains, methods
for aligning the different ontologies as well as knowledge retrieval
approaches capable of using these aligned ontologies. There will be the
opportunity to develop your research profile, to write technical and
research publications, and to collaborate with other researchers in a
dynamic, interdisciplinary project consortium.

We offer a work environment that is well equipped with the newest hardware
and software technology. The research group ISWeb has well established links
to national and international research institutions.
We conduct a number of collaborative research projects that are funded by
the European Community (EU FP6, FP7) and German research funds.
Further information about the ISWeb group can be found at


Applications including a curriculum vitae, a cover letter stating why the
applicant has special interest in this position, copies of relevant
certificates/diplomas, and names and addresses of two references, should be
sent by E-Mail to the ISWeb secretary Ms Silke Werger
(werger@uni-koblenz.de) citing 'MULTIPLA'. Application deadline is September
15, 2007.

Koblenz University is an equal access / equal opportunity / affirmative
action employer.

For further information, please contact the ISWeb MULTIPLA coodinator, Dr.
Sergej Sizov, http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~sizov

Kind regards
Steffen Staab

Index of September 2007 | Index of year: 2007 | Full index