7 January: fyi -- 2 phd positions, Germany

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The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is the
leading German research institute in the field of innovative software
technology. Based in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Bremen and Berlin,
the DFKI ranks among the important "Centers of Excellence" worldwide.

The DFKI at Saarbrücken, Germany, is seeking

2 RESEARCHERS (full-time)

for a research position in the area of intelligent user
interfaces. The earliest start date is March 2008. The duration of the
contract will be 2 years with a potential extension of one
year. Candidates are expected to work towards a PhD degree in this

The positions will be affiliated with the independent research group
"Embodied Assistants for Multimodal Interaction", established as part
of the Cluster of Excellence "Multimodal Computing and Interaction", a
co-operation between Saarland University, DFKI, MPI Informatik and MPI
Softwaresysteme. The group's research vision is a natural interaction
between human users and autonomous embodied agents in 3D
worlds. Current topics comprise artificial intelligence methods for
controlling virtual humans, realistic character animation and
innovative 3D interaction techniques.

We are looking for international applications from students with a
finished computer science degree (Diplom, MSc or equivalent) and a
research background in AI and/or computer graphics. Solid practical
programming skills are desirable, knowledge in computational
linguistics and cognitive psychology is highly welcome. Good knowledge
of written and spoken English is required.

We will start considering applications by 1 February 2008. The
application process will be open until both positions are
filled. Please send your application both electronically and as a
hardcopy to

Dr. Michael Kipp
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbrücken

E-Mail: michael.kipp@dfki.de
Internet: http://www.dfki.de/~kipp/positions.html

Index of January 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index