18 December: fyi -- grammar development (HPSG), Berlin
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The German Grammar group at the Freie Universität Berlin is looking for
a researcher who contributes to work on a Persian grammar in the
framework of HPSG using the TRALE system.
The project is a cooperation with Pollet Samvelian's group at the
universite Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle. Please find more information on
the project and its collaborators here:
The Berlin group works on grammars for German, Danish, Spanish, Chinese,
and Maltese.
The candidate will be hired on half a position for three years, which is
an ideal opportunity to work on a PhD. We are interested in PhD topics
that are not already covered by Pollet Samvelian's and my work.
The salary and social benefits are determined by the German pay scale
for state employees (Verg.-Gr. BAT IIA/2 half a position) and amounts to
approximately 1500 ??? per month for a half position, depending on age and
family status.
Interested candidates are invited to send their application materials (a
C.V., [links to] sample publications, a statement of research interests,
and an expose for their PhD project), preferably by email, to the
address below. Applications received by January 16th, 2009 will receive
fullest consideration; however, the search continues until the position
has been filled.
Email applications are preferred. Please backup your email application
by a surface mail letter that contains all the material.
Mailing Address for Applications:
Prof Stefan Müller
Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
Deutsche Grammatik
Habelschwerdter Alle 45
Berlin, 14 195
Best wishes and merry X-mas to everybody who cares, if you don't, just
have a nice day at the 24th =:-).
Stefan Müller
Stefan Müller Tel: (+49) (+30) 838 52973
Fax: (+49) (030) 838 4 52973
Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
Deutsche Grammatik
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14 195 Berlin
Index of December 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index