1 May: fyi -- phd funding, UK
Index of May 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index
The University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory invites applications for
ONE PhD studentship in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Closing date: 16th May, 2008
The PhD studentship is part of a large interdisciplinary research project
'Computational Natural Language Processing and the Neuro-Cognition of
Language' involving four research units in Cambridge: the Computer
Laboratory, the Department of Experimental Psychology, the Research Centre
for English and Applied Linguistics (RCEAL) and the MRC Cognition and Brain
Sciences Unit (CBU). The project integrates research in NLP, experimental
psycholinguistics and cognitive neuroscience with the aim of providing the
infrastructure for more realistic models of language structure for input
into theoretically-driven empirical studies of language in the mind and
brain. The long term goal is improved scientific understanding of human
language processing which can benefit several disciplines.
The PhD student will be based at the Computer Laboratory's Natural Language
and Information Processing (NLIP) group
(http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/nl/) and will develop techniques for the
automatic acquisition of lexical and conceptual information from corpus
data. Suitable candidates will have previous experience in NLP and interest
in applying NLP to research in cognitive neuroscience.
Full details are available at:
The closing date is May 16, 2008.
For further information/queries, please contact:
Dr Anna Korhonen, anna.korhonen@cl.cam.ac.uk
Index of May 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index