1 May: fyi -- evolution, Switzerland

Index of May 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index

We are seeking an outstanding PhD student in the field of
evolutionary computation, with experience / interest in at least
some of the following topics: genetic algorithms, evolutionary
strategies, co-evolution, evolutionary reinforcement learning,
evolving (recurrent) neural networks, evolutionary dynamics,
fitness estimation, linkage learning, ensemble methods.
Goal: to advance the state of the art in evolutionary
algorithms, and to solve challenging reinforcement learning
tasks for virtual or real robots, etc.

Salary: ~ SFR 48,000 per year ~ US$ 48,000 (15 April 2008)
Start: now or soon

To apply, please follow the instructions under

Faustino Gomez


IDSIA is small but visible, competitive, and influential. For example,
its ant colony optimization algorithms broke numerous benchmark
records and are now widely used in industry for routing, logistics
etc. - today entire conferences specialize on artificial ants. IDSIA
is also the origin of the first mathematical theory of optimal
universal artificial intelligence and self-referential universal
problem solvers. IDSIA's artificial recurrent neural networks learn to
solve numerous previous unlearnable sequence processing tasks through
gradient descent, artificial evolution and other methods. Research
topics also include complexity and generalization issues, unsupervised
learning and information theory, forecasting, learning robots. IDSIA
was the smallest of the world's top ten AI labs listed in the 1997 "X-
Lab Survey" by Business Week magazine, and ranked in fourth place in
the category "Computer Science - Biologically Inspired". IDSIA's most
important work was done after 1997 though.

Faustino Gomez
Senior Researcher
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Lugano, CH


Index of May 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index