16 May: fyi -- postgraduate funding, Trento

Index of May 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index

Research Areas:
- Automatic Speech Recognition,
- Natural Language Processing,
- Dialog Systems and Machine Learning

Location: Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science

Start Date: Openings Immediate.

Closing Date: June 30 , 2008.

Qualifications Required:
The PhD ideal candidate should have a background in one of the following:
speech/text processing, machine learning, computational linguistics.

The PhD positions are funded for 3 years. The selected PhD students will join
the international Doctorate school (http://ict.unitn.it) at the DISI Department.
More information on the fellowship amounts and benefits can be found on the
website. The applicants should be fluent in English, the official language of
the graduate school. The applicants should have good programming skills and
very good academic track records.

The Research Lab:
The Adaptive Multimodal Information and Interfaces Lab (casa.disi.unitn.it) has
state-of-the-art experimental infrastructure and collaborations with premiere
international research centers and industry research labs. The Adaptive
Multimodal Information and Interface research lab pursues excellence research
in next-generation interfaces for human-machine and human-human communication.
The candidates will be part of national and international projects working on
the fundamental research topics of next-generation human-machine conversational

Application Info:
The University of Trento is an equal opportunity employer. Interested
applicants should submit their CV along with their statement of research
interest and reference letters to amii@dit.unitn.it.

About University of Trento:
The University of Trento is constantly ranked as premiere Italian graduate
university institution (see www.disi.unitn.it). Perspective students will join
the international graduate school. For more information visit the website

About DISI Department:
DISI has a strong focus on interdisciplinary collaborations with professors from
different schools of the University (Physical Science, Electrical Engineering,
Economics, Social Science, Cognitive Science, Computer Science) and
international background. DISI aims at exploiting the complementary experiences
present in the various research areas in order to develop innovative methods and
technologies, applications and advanced services. English is the official language.

Application Deadline: 30-Jun-2008

Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof. Giuseppe Riccardi
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Via Sommarive, 14
POVO TN 38050

Web Address for Applications: http://ict.unitn.it/edu/ict/home.xml

Contact Information:
Prof. Giuseppe Riccardi

Index of May 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index