13 August: fyi -- Wiki research, Darmstadt
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Post-Doctoral/PhD positions
"Natural Language Processing for Wiki-based systems": Darmstadt, Germany
The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab
(http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/) has openings at the (post-)doctoral level
in the area "Natural Language Processing for Wiki-based systems". The
candidates will research the integration of NLP techniques such as keyword
extraction and topic segmentation within Wiki-based systems. This entails an
investigation of Wikis as a new type of discourse and a further development
of NLP techniques to meet the challenges emerging from the unique properties
of Wikis. Another area of research regards the impact of NLP techniques that
semi-automatically modify Wiki pages on the user interface design. In the
project, we expect to work with authentic data from company-based Wikis and
maintain close industrial cooperation.
The successful applicants will join the UKP Lab situated in the Department
of Computer Science, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany. The UKP
Lab participates in a range of basic research projects funded by the German
Science Foundation (DFG) and the Volkswagen Foundation and several applied
projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWI)
and industrial companies. These projects focus on using NLP to process Web
data, mining Wiki-based resources, and using semantics in information
retrieval and question answering. The UKP Lab features a dynamic work
environment, a highly motivated and integrated research team, an industrial
cooperation network, and was distinguished by several research awards since
its establishment in summer 2006.
* Post-doctoral applicants should have a strong background in NLP
and/or Computer Science and possess the ability to conduct original
* Doctoral applicants will work towards a PhD in Computer Science from
the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt and should have an excellent
degree in computer science or a related discipline.
* Strong programming skills in Java, a keen research interest and a strong
ability to cooperate with group members are essential.
* A strong publication record is a definite plus (for post-doc candidates).
* The positions are available as part of a new foundation-funded research
project for initially two years.
* The payment is according to the German BAT scale depending on the
qualifications and research experience.
The positions are open immediately. Later starting dates (e.g. upon
submitting the PhD thesis) can be negotiated.
The applications should include:
* your CV with details of past research experience
* publication list
* the names of three referees
Applications should be sent in by August, 31st, 2008.
The positions are open until filled, so applications arriving later may
still be considered.
Please direct your inquiries to:
Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych
A hard copy of your application should be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych
UKP Lab, FB 20 Computer Science
Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
Hochschulstraße 10, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
For more information on the UKP Lab see:
Index of August 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index