13 August: fyi -- humanities computing, Glasgow
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University of Glasgow Seeks Director for HATII
*Ref: 14448/HRP/A1*
The University of Glasgow is seeking a successor to Professor Seamus
Ross, Director of Humanities Advanced Technology & Information Institute
(HATII), who will be taking up the post of Dean at the Faculty of
Information at the University of Toronto from January 2009.
HATII is one of the leading Institutes for Humanities informatics
research, playing a pivotal role in European research projects and
participating in worldwide research networks. It is central to the
strategy of the University's Faculty of Arts, where its research informs
and enriches the work of many academic Schools and Centres, and it plays
a major role as influencer and collaborator across the University. It
works closely with national and international bodies to develop and set
standards for digital curation and humanities informatics. The new
Director, an exceptional academic and leader to be appointed at
Professorial level, will be expected to develop further HATII's
excellence in research and teaching on the international stage and set
an agenda for the growth and development of the Institute within the
*Closing date: 29th August 2008*
KEY Application Documents
Job Description:
Application Information Form:
Equal Opportunities Form: http://www.gla.ac.uk/media/media_26169_en.doc
Guaranteed Interview Forms:
http://www.gla.ac.uk/media/media_26172_en.doc many academic Schools and
Centres, and it plays a major role as influencer and collaborator across
the University. It works closely with national and international bodies
to develop and set standards for digital curation and humanities
informatics. The new Director, an exceptional academic and leader to be
appointed at Professorial level, will be expected to develop further
HATII's excellence in research and teaching on the international stage
and set an agenda for the growth and development of the Institute within
the University.
*Closing date: 29th August 2008*
KEY Application Documents
Job Description:
Application Information Form:
Equal Opportunities Form: http://www.gla.ac.uk/media/media_26169_en.doc
Guaranteed Interview Forms: http://www.gla.ac.uk/media/
Index of August 2008 | Index of year: 2008 | Full index