30 January: fyi -- phd funding, UK

Index of January 2009 | Index of year: 2009 | Full index

*Funding Opportunities for Linguistics and English Language within the
School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures at The University of

**Manchester is an international centre for linguistics and English
language. The Department is virtually unique in the UK and beyond in the
breadth of subject areas and theoretical approaches represented by its
members, many of whom are internationally renowned scholars in their
specialisms. Particular strengths in the discipline include: endangered
languages, field linguistics and language documentation, the linguistics
of English (both synchronic and diachronic), phonetics and phonology,
morphology, syntax (especially lexical-functional grammar and construction
grammar), typology, language contact and sociolinguistics, historical
linguistics (especially English, Romance and Germanic), (formal) semantics
and pragmatics, and corpus and computational linguistics. More information
about the department and the research interests of its staff can be found
at http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/subjects/lel/

The postgraduate community in the School of Languages, Linguistics and
Cultures is one of the largest and most diverse in the UK, enjoying
state-of-the-art facilities and excellent support within a high-quality
research environment. In step with our continuing expansion, the School is
pleased to announce funding opportunities for Home/EU and International
students registering for a research (PhD) or a taught (MA) programme in

*ORS Awards Scheme (overseas element of tuition fee)*
Awards cover the difference between the Overseas and Home/EU rate of
tuition fee. Successful applicants may be awarded additional funding for
the remainder of the tuition fees and maintenance.
*Closing date: 16 February 2009.*

*PhD Studentships (tuition fees and maintenance)*
Applicants who are eligible and suitably qualified should apply
simultaneously for AHRC funding (details below).

*PhD and MA Bursaries (partial awards)*
Up to 7 PhD bursaries of ?3000 each and 6 MA fee bursaries of ?3000 each
within the School, plus named awards in certain subject areas.

*Chinese Studies Fee Bursaries*
2 bursaries of up to ?4000 each for students interested in pursuing
interdisciplinary research on China/the Chinese-speaking world.

*Graduate Teaching Fellowships (GTFs)*
3 GTFs in the following areas: 2 Polish (both 0.5) and Portuguese. The GTF
will be required to undertake a PhD programme of study AND to teach for 6
hours per week full-time or 3 hours part-time.

*AHRC Funding*
The result of the University?s bid to the AHRC for a fixed number of
Master?s and Doctoral awards will be known at the end of February. The
School anticipates it will have a number of studentships available across
its discipline areas. More details are available from

*The closing date for receipt of applications for all funding schemes
(except ORS) will be*

*1 April 2009. For further details, including the procedure for
applications, email: **angela.aspden-2@manchester.ac.uk

*Also see: http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/postgraduate/funding/

**The University will actively foster a culture of inclusion and diversity
and will seek to achieve true equality of opportunityfor all members of its


Martina Faller, PhD
Lecturer in Linguistics
School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures
The University of Manchester
Phone: +44 (0)161 2753191
Fax: +44 (0)161 2753031

Index of January 2009 | Index of year: 2009 | Full index