27 October: fyi -- phd funding, International

Index of October 2009 | Index of year: 2009 | Full index

2 PhD Positions available in

the Marie Curie International Training Network on

Speech Communication with Adaptive LEarning (SCALE)

SCALE is a cooperative project between

* IDIAP Research Institute in Martigny, Switzerland (Prof Herve Bourlard)
* Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands (Prof Lou Boves, Dr Louis
ten Bosch, Dr-ir Bert Cranen, Dr O. Scharenborg)
* RWTH Aachen, Germany (Prof Hermann Ney, Dr Ralf Schl?ter)
* Saarland University, Germany (Prof Dietrich Klakow, Dr John McDonough,
Dr Arnab Ghoshal)
* University of Edinburgh, UK (Prof Steve Renals, Dr Simon King, Dr
Korin Richmond, Dr Joe Frankel)
* University of Sheffield, UK (Prof Roger Moore, Prof Phil Green, Dr
Thomas Hain, Dr Guido Sanguinetti) .

Companies like Toshiba and Nuance are associated partners of the program.

Each PhD position is funded for three years and degrees can be obtained
from the participating academic institutions.

Distinguishing features of the cooperation include:

- Joint supervision of dissertations by lecturers from two partner

- While staying with one institution for most of the time, the program
includes a stay at a second partner institution either from academic or
industry for three to nine month

- An intensive research exchange program between all participating

The PhD projects will be in the area of

* Automatic Speech Recognition
* Machine learning
* Speech Synthesis
* Signal Processing
* Human speech recognition

The salary of a PhD position is roughly 33.800 Euro per year. There are
additional mobility (up to 800 Euro/month) and travel allowances (yearly
allowance). Applicants should hold a strong university degree which
would entitle them to embark on a doctorate (Masters/diploma or
equivalent) in a relevant discipline, and should be in the first four
years of their research careers. As the project is funded by a EU
mobility scheme, there are also certain mobility requirements.

Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Deadline for application:

December 1, 2009.

Applications should be submitted at http://www.scale.uni-saarland.de/ .

To be fully considered, please include:

- a curriculum vitae indicating degrees obtained, disciplines covered
(e.g. list of courses ), publications, and other relevant experience

- a sample of written work (e.g. research paper, or thesis, preferably
in English)

- copies of high school and university certificates, and transcripts

- two references (e-mailed directly to the SCALE office
(Diana.Schreyer@LSV.Uni-Saarland.De) before the deadline)

- a statement of research interests, previous knowledge and activities
in any of the relevant research areas.

In case an application can only be submitted by regular post, it should
be sent to:

SCALE office
Diana Schreyer
Spoken Language Systems, FR 7.4
C 71 Office 0.02
Saarland University
P.O. Box 15 11 50
D-66041 Saarbruecken

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Dietrich Klakow

For more information see also http://www.scale.uni-saarland.de/


Prof. Dr. Dietrich Klakow
Spoken Language Systems
Saarland University
66041 Saarbr?cken
Tel. ++49 681 302 58122
Fax ++49 681 302 58123

Index of October 2009 | Index of year: 2009 | Full index