22 December: fyi -- phd funding (sign language), Barcelona

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4-year research assistantship in Sign Linguistics (Formal Syntax and Typology,
Catalan Sign Language)

The research group GLiF (Grup de Ling??stica Formal) at the Universitat Pompeu
Fabra (Barcelona) announces an opening for a 4-year research assistantship
associated to the project Clause combining in sign languages: the grammar of
complex sentences in Catalan Sign Language in a crosslinguistic and crossmodal
perspective (FFI2009-10492/FILO), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation and starting in 2010.

The project aims at investigating the mechanisms of clause combining in sign
languages (SLs), a scarcely studied area in most cases, if at all. Empirically,
the research will focus on Catalan Sign Language (LSC), which lacks descriptions
of the relevant phenomena almost entirely. The project has two major goals: to
remedy the gap in grammatical description for clause combining strategies in LSC
and to contribute to linguistic typology and to linguistic theory with SL
research, a domain that can no longer be neglected when trying to elucidate
which properties of human languages are modality-(in)dependent. With these goals
in mind, we resort to typological knowledge and theoretical syntactic accounts
of crosslinguistic variation, which is in turn enriched with new data and
insights from SLs. The project tries to identify and analyze the SL counterparts
of classic subordination (argument, relative and adjunct clauses), parataxis,
conjunction and disjunction along with serial verb constructions and

At present the project involves two senior researchers, two Deaf LSC research
assistants and two PhD students at the Department of Translation and Languages
Sciences (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and the Department of General Linguistics
(Universitat de Barcelona).

The basic eligibility requirement is a Bachelor's degree or equivalent by the
end of June 2010.

The interested candidates should:

-have a background in Sign Linguistics, especially in syntax,
-be proficient in a sign language and, in case it is not LSC, be ready to learn it,
-be ready to carry out his/her own research on a topic related the group's one,
leading to a PhD,
-be willing to conduct fieldwork and contribute to the research activities of
the group, and
-have a good command of English and some knowledge of Catalan or Spanish, or be
ready to acquire it.

The position includes a monthly stipend, coverage by the Social Security system,
and university fees related to doctoral study. The assistantship also includes
the possibility of applying for grants for short-term stays abroad. Annual
renewal of the assistantship will depend on successful progress in the doctoral
program and collaboration on the research project. The first 24 months have the
status of a scholarship and the following 24 months have a work-contract form.

As the application for these assistantships will be handled through the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Innovation, individuals who are interested in applying
are advised to contact us in advance.

For more information please contact Josep Quer (see contact information below)
as soon as possible, and in any case no later than December 31st, 2010.
Interested candidates are requested to send their CV and a sample writing to
him. The Ministry's application period will be open in January just for 15 days,
therefore the documents required for the application should be prepared well in

For information (in Spanish) about last year's call, visit the MICINN website:

Contact information: josep.quer@upf.edu

Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2009

Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Josep Quer
DTCL/Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Roc Boronat 138
Barcelona Catalonia 08018

Contact Information:
Josep Quer

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