8 December: fyi -- internship, Galway

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The Units for Natural Language Processing and for eBusiness at the
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (http://www.deri.ie/) of the
National University of Ireland, Galway invite applications for an
internship on information extraction in the eBusiness domain.

The successful candidate will contribute to a research prototype for the
automatic detection of so-called 'semantic paths' in business reporting,
describing business events and entailments between them.

Essential Skills:
- computational linguistics background
- experience in information extraction
- programming skills, preferably in Java, Python

Desirable Skills, some experience in:
- textual entailment
- ontologies

The internship is to start preferably by February 2010 and will be for a
duration of 6 months. Internships are enumerated with upto EUR
1200 per month.

DERI is a leading research institute in semantic technologies that
offers a stimulating, dynamic and multi-cultural research environment,
excellent ties to research-groups worldwide, close collaboration with
industrial partners and up-to-date infrastructure and resources. The
Unit for Natural Language Processing (http://nlp.deri.ie/) has a
focus on applied research in ontology-based information extraction,
semantic-level text mining and the use of linguistic and semantic
methods in information retrieval. The eBusiness Unit
(http://deb.deri.ie/about) develops methods that support the application
of semantics to business information systems in the areas of content
analytics, uncovering and extracting meaning from business
information and the development of provenance based trust for business
information integration.

Please send your application, preferably with links to relevant
previous study and/or research experience, by Jan 15th to:

Dr. Paul Buitelaar (paul dot buitelaar at deri dot org) and
Sean O'Riain (sean dot oriain at deri dot org)

Index of December 2009 | Index of year: 2009 | Full index