2 February: fyi -- Phd funding, London
Index of February 2009 | Index of year: 2009 | Full index
A range of PhD (and MRes) studentships in linguistics are available at
King's College London, affiliated to the Centre for Language Discourse &
Communication. The Centre for LDC is recognised by the Economic and Social
Research Council of the UK (www.esrc.ac.uk) for its research training. It
also works across departments (including the Centre for Computing in the
Humanities), and it offers supervision in text & discourse analysis,
linguistic ethnography, literacy studies, media discourse, sociolinguistics,
psycholinguistics, applied, educational, historical, cognitive and corpus
Applicants should have very good qualifications and a clear research idea,
and to apply, there are a number of steps to follow:
1) Identify a potential supervisor, referring to our webpages at
www.kcl.ac.uk/ldc. (For those interested in the digital humanities, note
that co-supervision with the CCH is well established.)
2) Email the person you have identified, providing information about your
background, qualifications and a draft research proposal (if you are unsure
of who to contact, please send the material to ben.rampton@kcl.ac.uk,
inserting 'Studentships' as the Subject of the email).
3) If your potential supervisor encourages you, submit an ORDINARY
application form to the department in which he or she is based (you have to
have applied for an ordinary place before your studentship application can
be considered). The ordinary application forms are at
4) Choose which studentship(s) you want to apply for, consulting the
information at www.kcl.ac.uk/graduate/funding/database/ and checking your
eligibility very carefully. The possibilities include:* Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Studentship
(deadline: 27 February 2009)
* Economic & Social Research Council Quota & Competition
(deadline: 3 April)
* KCL Social Science and Public Policy (SSPP) Studentships
(deadline: 3 April)
* Robert Browning Memorial Award (deadline: 1 May 2009)
5) Start working on the studentship application forms well
before the deadline. Your potential supervisor can discuss
your proposal with you, but she/he will need the time to do
so. You will also need to contact your referees to ensure
that you have their references in time.
If you need further advice, contact
Professor Ben Rampton (ben.rampton@kcl.ac.uk)
inserting 'Studentships' in the message Subject.
Index of February 2009 | Index of year: 2009 | Full index