6 February: fyi -- computational linguistics internship, Paris

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The Evaluation and Language Distribution Agency (ELDA) is offering a
6-month to 1-year internship in Human Language Technology for the
Arabic language, with a special focus on Machine Translation (MT) and
Multilingual Information Retrieval (MLIR). The internship is organised
in the framework of the European project MEDAR (MEDiterranean ARabic
language and speech technology). She or he will work in ELDA offices
in Paris and the main work will consist of the development and
adaptation of MT and MLIR open source software for Arabic.


The applicant should have a high-quality degree in Computer Science. Good programming skills in C, C++, Perl
and Eclipse are required.
The applicant should have a good knowledge of Linux and open source software.

Interest in Speech/Text Processing, Machine Learning, Computational Linguistics, or Cognitive Science is a plus.
Proficiency in written English is required.

Starting date:
February 2009.

Applications in the first instance should be made by email to

Djamel Mostefa,
Head of Production and Evaluation department, ELDA,
email: mostefa _AT_ elda.org

Please include a cover letter and your CV

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