10 March: fyi -- Apple internship, California

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Internship Position: Documentation Localization

Join the User Documentation Localization Group at
Apple for an exciting 6 month internship in Cuper-
tino, California.

We are looking for an intern interested to work in
the localization and production automation of User
Documentation Localization such as PDF and HTML
documents. The automation is central to a global
content management system and covers file ma-
nipulation, text leveraging, auditing, machine trans-
lation and computer assisted translation, graphics
localization and final documentation production.
The responsibilities include design and develop-
ment of automation scripts, process enhancement
and implementation of automated workflows in all
stages of the Documentation Localization cycle.

The successful candidate will have an understand-
ing of Documentation Localization processes and
Tools and Applications used in current Doucemta-
tion production processes (Authoring, CMS, Trans-
lation, DB). Programming knowledge in XML, HTML,
SQL, Perl, Java, Shell Scripting, AppleScript etc. are
required. Overall knowledge of other programming
languages desirable. Finally knowledge of applica-
tions used in the layout of documents and graphic
design is a plus.

For further information or résumé submission con-
tact: Michael Metzger at metzger@apple.com

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