22 June: fyi -- rhetoric funding, NL

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please spread around to possible interested candidates the announcement for a PhD position within the GATE research project Design rules for learning through simulated worlds.

PhD project: Persuasive rhetoric in game design

This project investigates how the medium-specificity of computer games make them suitable for persuasive purposes and to what extent and in what ways persuasive rhetorical strategies can be designed to convince serious-game players of the veracity of a certain point of view - as in games for change - or the necessity of a behavioral change - as in health games. Although a project description exists, candidates are also given the opportunity to develop a PhD proposal of their own. This project should fit into the research project Design rules for learning through simulated worlds.

For more information check: http://www2.let.uu.nl/Solis/ogc/vacatures/2009/phd_researcher_GATE2.htm.

GATE website: http://gate.gameresearch.nl .

Project description: http://gate.gameresearch.nl/index.php?pageID=53.

Candidates have to apply before 9 August 2009.

Thanks, Joost Raessens

Prof. dr. Joost Raessens | Professor of Media Theory | Department of Media and Culture Studies | Faculty of Humanities | Utrecht University | Muntstraat 2A | Room 1.06 | NL-3512 EV Utrecht | T +31 30 253 6270 / +31 611 340 241 | F +31 30 253 6167 | J.Raessens@uu.nl | www.raessens.nl |

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