26 June: fyi -- summer NLP job at TCD
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Summer computing student wanted
To develop an application to part-of-speech tag French, German and Spanish
Input: doc or text file in French, German or Spanish (the user will note
which language so the application does not need to detect the language)
Output: text file marked up with part of speech tags. List of keywords
with part of speech in the article (the definition of keyword is something
we can define together. )
The application will use existing tagging software for French, German and
Spanish and combine them into a single user-friendly GUI-based
Required competencies:
Knowledge of available natural language processing software for French,
German and Spanish? functionality, coverage, etc.
Programming skills to combine available text analysis modules into an
application with text processing functionality for French, German and
If you are interested, please contact: ann.devitt@tcd.ie
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