17 September: fyi -- linguistics, Texas

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This is a full-time, tenure-track position in general linguistics/applied
linguistics. The position will report to the Chair of the English Department.

The applicant's primary teaching responsibilities will be in the area of
linguistics. However, the successful candidate will also possess training
and experience in one or more of the following supporting areas: English
grammar, freshman composition, or ESOL. The applicant selected will serve
on departmental, college, and university faculty committees.

A Ph.D. in the field is required, however ABDs near completion may apply.
English/Spanish bilingualism is preferred but not required. Experience with
minority student populations, or sensitivity to the needs of such
populations, is preferred. Salary is commensurate with experience and

Applicants should send an official UTB faculty application form
(downloadable at http://www.utb.edu/ba/hr/employment/Pages/default.aspx), a
letter of interest, a current curriculum vitae, three letters of
recommendation, a list of five references (including addresses and
telephone numbers), and transcripts (copies acceptable) to the application
address listed below. The Job Vacancy Number is FY 10-7.

UTB-TSC does not discriminate based on gender, race, color, national
origin, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Facilities at UTB-TSC are
"Smoke Free."

Application Deadline: 01-Dec-2009
Mailing Address for Applications:
Office of the Dean
College of Liberal Arts
University of Texas at Brownsville
80 Fort Brown
Brownsville, TX 78520
Contact Information:
Dr. John Newman
Email: John.G.Newman@utb.edu

Index of September 2009 | Index of year: 2009 | Full index