26 January: fyi -- HCI, Helsinki

Index of January 2010 | Index of year: 2010 | Full index

Experimental interfaces and interaction design

Aalto University is created through a merger between the Helsinki
School of Economics, the University of Art and Design Helsinki and the
Helsinki University of Technology, which will start operating on the
1st of January 2010. www.aalto.fi

Media Lab of Aalto University School of Art and Design
The Media Lab Helsinki http://mlab.taik.fi in the School of Art and
Design of the new Aalto University is a part of the new Department of

Much of the world???s leading research and development in the broad
field of new media, and within Media Labs, is characterized by work in
the areas of physical computing and/or tangible user interfaces. The
Media Lab Helsinki is characterized by its commitment towards the
development of new formats and genres in art and design. In the
digital media, these genres find their immediate form of expression in
the interaction of the human agent with the digital matter through the

Post doc researcher on experimental interfaces and interaction design
In the Media Lab Helsinki we???re now opening the call for a post-
doctoral position 1.8.2010-31.12.2012. Area of research is
experimental interfaces and interaction design. The area of research
is dual thematic that includes on the one hand research and
development of physical and tangible interfaces and on the other
knowledge and experience with artistic forms of interaction
implemented for instance, in the areas of sound/sonic interaction,
dance and theater.

The purpose of the work of the post-doctoral researcher is to support
and further develop the research areas consistent with the
department???s research profile. The work of the post-doctoral
researcher includes both research as well as teaching and tutoring
related to the field of research. In addition to this post-doctoral
researchers may be required to undertake other tasks related to
research and education.

Media Lab???s New Media education includes two MA programs ??? (1) MA in
New Media and (2) MA in Sound in New Media, as well as studies leading
to the doctoral degree. The new post-doctoral researcher is expected
to strengthen the programs by providing more solid research foundation
??? including design and artistic practice ??? benefiting the education.

Applicants who have completed their doctoral studies quickly and
successfully will be favored. In filling the position special emphasis
will be given to the scientific quality of earlier research, art and/
or design practice, international experience, as well as a research
plan which is convincing and which corresponds well to the
department???s needs. The chosen person should have completed their
doctoral studies before the start of the post-doctoral period. The
task requires fluent skills in the use of English language.

According to the multi-disciplinary nature of the Media Lab Helsinki
and its operations it is expected that the applicants possess multiple
skills that include computation, research, design and artistic
methodologies, knowledge of new media theory as well as artistic and/
or design activities.

Compensations will be paid according to the new salary system at
Finnish universities. Researcher positions are on faculty demand level
5-6. In addition, a personal supplementary compensation of maximum 48
% will be paid. In the beginning the salary will be 2.993-3.556
euros / month.

The application documents, including the application, applicant???s CV
and a portfolio, a research plan and other selected certificates are
expected to be delivered to the address kirjaamo@taik.fi (subject:
post doc: experimental interfaces and interaction design) or to
Kirjaamo, Aalto University, School of Art and Design, p.o.box 31000,
00076 Aalto, by 2.3.2010 at 15 Finnish time.

Further information

Index of January 2010 | Index of year: 2010 | Full index