26 January: fyi -- computational semantics, Tuebingen

Index of January 2010 | Index of year: 2010 | Full index

The Collaborative Research Center 'Emergence of Meaning' at the
University of Tuebingen, Germany, has an opening for a research
position (full-time appointment) in Computational Linguistics with
demonstrated experience in the development and maintenance of
server-based NLP applications and with research expertise in one or
more of the following areas: standardization and interoperability of
language resources, mark-up languages, metadata standards, and web
services. Programming experience in Java as well as good command of
German and English are required.

The starting date for the position is March 1, 2010. The initial
period of appointment is until June 30, 2013, with the possibility of
renewal subject to follow-up funding. The position is at the rank of
'Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter' (Ph.D. or M.A./M.Sc. in computer
science, computational linguistics or a related field is
required). The salary is determined by the German civil servants
standard (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L).

Applications should include CV, an outline of research experience, as well
as names and addresses of references. Applications should be sent by mail
or by email to the address below.

Applications received by February 15, 2010 will receive full consideration,
although interviews may start at any time and will continue until the
position has been filled.
Disabled applicants will be preferred if they have the same qualifications
as non-disabled applicants. The University of Tuebingen strives to increase
the proportion of women in research and teaching, and therefore encourages
qualified female scientists to apply.

Application Deadline: 15-Feb-2010 (Open until filled)
Mailing Address for Applications:
Prof. Dr. Erhard Hinrichs
Seminar fuer Sprachwissenschaft
Wilhelmstr. 19
72074 Tuebingen
Germany Email Address for Applications: eh@sfs.uni-tuebingen.de
Contact Information:
Prof. Dr. Erhard Hinrichs
Email: eh@sfs.uni-tuebingen.de

Index of January 2010 | Index of year: 2010 | Full index