15 October: fyi -- phd & postdoctoral research funding, PA

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*Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University*

One Post-Doc Opening for 2011 at the Heinz College

One PhD Opening for 2011 at the Heinz College


The Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University has an opening
for a post-doc in a project focused on the study of privacy
decision making using tools from behavioral economics and
behavioral decision research (if you are interested in the PhD
opening, please scroll down to the end of this message). The
project aims at investigating the role of soft paternalistic
approaches in assisting users who face privacy-sensitive
trade-offs. Such privacy "nudges" will be incorporated into
policy proposals as well as tools and technologies to be
developed by other members of the project.

This is an interdisciplinary project. It involves interacting
with other faculty and students with diverse (economics,
behavioral, and computer science) backgrounds. Prospective
candidates are expected to have done graduate work in, or at
least have some familiarity with, some or several of the
following areas:

* Behavioral Economics or Behavioral Decision Research
* Experimental Economics or Experimental Psychology
* Economics
* Human Computer Interaction
* Web Security and Privacy

Candidates are expected to be capable of working under limited
supervision and should have strong communication skills. They
should be able to interact with a team composed of other social
scientists and computer scientists. They should have previous
experience in designing and conducting experiments with human
subjects. The actual work is expected to involve a mix of
behavioral experiments and tools evaluation (in coordination
with the other members of the project). The successful
candidate is expected to publish papers in top-level journals
and conferences along with other faculty and students. He or
she will report to Prof. Alessandro Acquisti (CMU, project PI).
Other faculty involved in this project include Prof. Lorrie
Cranor (CMU, project co-PI) and Prof. Norman Sadeh (CMU,
project co-PI).

The initial appointment is for one year with option of renewal
for another one or two years. The start date is negotiable, but
ideally no later than January 2011. Carnegie Mellon offers
competitive salaries and benefits. Interested candidates should
forward their resume along with the names of three references
to Alessandro Acquisti by email at acquisti@andrew.cmu.edu.

We also expect to recruit one or more PhD students interested
in working in privacy decision making and the economics of
privacy, starting Fall 2011. Accepted PhD applicants would
receive a grant covering stipend and tuition for at least the
first two years of their PhD program. Interested candidates
should also forward their resume to Alessandro Acquisti by
email at acquisti@andrew.cmu.edu.


Related links:




Index of October 2010 | Index of year: 2010 | Full index