19 February: fyi -- computational linguistics, Paris

Index of February 2010 | Index of year: 2010 | Full index

activities working in the framework of European projects.
The post will go round a number of NLP activities within ELDA, with a
focus on the development of a web-service based arquitecture for the
automatic production and distribution of language resources (applied to
lexical acquisition and Machine Translation technologies).
The candidate may also be involved in the creation of on-line catalogues
and Information Retrieval development.

- Degree or MSc in computer science, computational linguistics, natural
language processing or similar fields
- Good programming skills in C, C++, Perl and/or Java
- Experience and/or knowledge of web services
- Good knowledge of Linux and open source software
- Experience and/or knowledge of data alignment and language processing is
a plus
- Experience and/or knowledge of Machine Translation, Information
Retrieval and related areas is a plus
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team, in particular to
collaborate with members of a multidisciplinary and multilingual team
- Proficiency in French and English

Applications will be considered until the position is filled. The position
is based in Paris and candidates should have the citizenship (or residency
papers) of a European Union country.

Salaries: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applicants should send (preferably via email) a cover letter addressing
the points listed above together with a curriculum vitae to:

Victoria ARRANZ
55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris
Fax: 01 43 13 33 30
Email: arranz_AT_elda.org

The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit making
organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission
of providing a clearing house for language resources and promoting Human
Language Technologies.

The Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) is
ELRA's operational body. ELDA identifies, collects, distributes and
evaluates language resources. It also organises evaluation activities and
campaigns in HLT, as well as disseminates general information in the HLT

For further information about ELRA/ELDA, visit:

Index of February 2010 | Index of year: 2010 | Full index