4 March: fyi -- corpus linguistics, Paris

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3 Postdoctoral Positions at INRIA Paris Rocquencourt (France) in
Project-team Alpage.

Field: Computational Linguistics


* Exploitation of high level syntactic models for Natural Language
Processing ( http://bit.ly/holp5g )
* Parsing theory-neutral syntactic structures using recurring
constructs ( http://bit.ly/hQDW1N )
* Improving symbolic parsing with statistical information ( http://bit.ly/hb8mO4 )

*Deadline for application: ** March 15th, 2011 **.

*Starting Date: between September and December 2011
*Duration: 12 months or eventually 24 months
*Employer: INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer
Science) Paris Rocquencourt (France)
*Conditions: Applicants must have a ** recent doctoral degree ** (PhD viva held in
2010 or later) or defend their PhD before the end of 2011. They must
have expertise in an area relevant to the project (computational
linguistics, computer science), strong hands-on experience in Natural
Language Processing.
*How to apply:
Further particulars and details of how to apply are available at:

*Information about Alpage: http://alpage.inria.fr

Eric de la Clergerie
Djam? Seddah
Laurence Danlos

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