28 April: fyi -- digital humanities, Berlin

Index of April 2011 | Index of year: 2011 | Full index

Dear colleagues,

(with apologies for cross-posting; please redistribute; German version

the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities is seeking two
Digital Humanities Specialists (or Software Developers with experience
in the Digital Humanities) for

1. a full-time position at the Telota-Initiative as research assistant
until 31 December 2012:

2. a half-time postion at DARIAH-DE as research assistant/software
developer until 28 February 2014:

Though the job postings are in German and knowledge of German is
advantageous the project language is not necessarily German.
Qualifications include:
- knowledge in producing digital scholarly editions
- knowledge of XML and related technologies
- good knowledge of metadata systems (METS, MODS, TEI)
- knowledge of a programming language, preferable Java

Applications should be addressed to Dr. Ute Tintemann (tintemann@bbaw.de).

Please don't hesitate to contact us (telota@bbaw.de) for further
information. You can find more of our activities at http://www.telota.de


German version:


1. f??r ihre Telota-Initiative zum fr??hestm??glichen Zeitpunkt

eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in

aus den Geisteswissenschaften mit Erfahrungen in den Digital Humanities
befristet bis 31.12.2012 (eine Verl??ngerung um weitere 2 Jahre bzw. eine
Teilung der Stelle ist m??glich)


2. f??r das BMBF-Projekt "DARIAH-DE" zum n??chstm??glichen Zeitpunkt

eine/n Softwareentwickler/in mit Erfahrungen in den Digital Humanities
mit 20 Wochenstunden befristet bis 28.02.2014


Best regards,
Alexander Czmiel
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
"Telota - The electronic life of the Academy"
Jaegerstrasse 22/23 Tel: +49-(0)30-20370-276
10117 Berlin - http://www.bbaw.de - http://www.telota.de

Index of April 2011 | Index of year: 2011 | Full index