15 August: fyi -- corpus annotation, Florence

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Francesca Frontini
Date: Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 3:13 PM
Subject: post doc position in Florence
To: gplynch@cs.tcd.ie

Hi Gerard,
how are you? I'm still here in Pisa, working.. but soon I'll be on
holiday for two weeks, working again.
where are you going on holiday?

If you still have some energy, I'd like to ask your help to circulate
a call for a post doc position in Florence. They are searching for
someone with a PhD in Linguistics or Computational linguistics and
necessarily a native speaker of English for an annotation work for one

The deadline for the position is very close (26th of august) but it is
not unlikely that they will have to re-advertise the position for lack
of applicants, this time lowering the requirement to graduate in

So if you know of anyone among your colleagues and students who might
be interested (the position might not require for the person to be in
Florence all the time, and does not require the knowledge of Italian),
can you please forward them the attached call in English? In the
document they'll find the references of Prof. Massimo Moneglia of the
department of Italian Studies at the University of Florence, which is
the project coordinator of the IMAGACT project, which has just started
and is funded by the Tuscany regional council. The interested person
should (with or without a Phd) should just write him an email.

To make a long story short, the project aims to build an ontology of
movement actions, that will be connected to an inventory of images or
videos and to meanings of verbs of movements in several languages. The
goal is to be able to extract the underlying movement for each meaning
of each verb in the various languages and be able to teach the correct
use of the verbs to non native speakers. Meanings will be corpus
driven, here too, hence the need of an annotator. We (ILC-CNR) are
also partners.

Thanks a lot for your help.
Enjoy your holidays, if any!

ciao ciao

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Index of August 2011 | Index of year: 2011 | Full index