6 November: fyi -- phd funding, US
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Up to three fully funded PhD studentships will be available in computational cognition at the College of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University, beginning 2013. Research topics of interest include
- computational models of language processing,
- cognitive models of heuristics and biases in decision-making, and
- networked cognition and mixed human/agent systems.
We seek applicants with undergraduate or master's level degrees with interest in theoretically motivated, but data-driven scientific inquiry. Solid programming and communication skills are required.
Penn State's College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) brings together scientists in informatics. Graduate students working in computational cognition may anticipate interacting with researchers in human-computer interaction, security, intelligence analysis, cyber law, online business, and mobile computing. The newly formed working group for Computational Cognition collaborates with other local laboratories at the college, such as Applied Cognitive Sciences (F. Ritter), Intelligent Information Systems Research/CiteSeer (C. L. Giles), or Intelligent Agents (J. Yen).
With its main campus located in beautiful, affordable and fun State College, PA, Penn State is one of the largest tier-one research universities in the United States. IST attracts funding from the National Science Foundation, the US Department of Defense as well as from private industry. The positions advertised here are college-funded research and teaching assistantships, include tuition and stipends.
More information: http://ist.psu.edu/graduate-students/graduate-students/future-graduate-students/phd
Informal inquiries: David Reitter, reitter@psu.edu, http://www.david-reitter.com
Formal applications: http://ist.psu.edu/graduate-students/future-graduate-students/apply
Due date: December 15, 2012
Index of November 2012 | Index of year: 2012 | Full index