10 July: fyi -- TCD -- Centre for Research in IT in Education & DSG -

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Vacancies - Two Research Assistant Positions - Centre for Research in IT in
Education and the Distributed Systems Group - School of Computer Science &
Statistics, Trinity College Dublin.

Two positions are available to work on an Enterprise Ireland funded project
which is developing technology in the area of web access control and
educational use of the internet. The contract is for 12 months in both
cases with a start date of 1st August.

1. Research Assistant - Platform Developer

The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in development of network
filtering applications on a wide range of platforms (Android, iOS, MacOS,
Windows, etc.) and/or have extensive practical experience in the
construction of distributed systems utilizing network layer technology.
Knowledge of C/C++ essential.

2. Research Assistant - Web Developer

The ideal candidate will have strong experience in the construction,
deployment and administration of sophisticated web portals (LAMP based), and
in the development of flash based applications and HTML5/CSS/Javascript.
Experience of construction of online gaming solutions would be particularly

Interested candidates should send a CV to tangney@tcd.ie.

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