23 August: fyi -- phd funding, Italy

Index of August 2012 | Index of year: 2012 | Full index

Dear all,
I would like to advertise the availability of several PhD positions (with
scholarship) at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of
Technology) to work on topics related to the iCub humanoid robot
(http://www.iit.it/icub, http://www.iit.it/rbcs). IIT is an English-language
working environment based in Genoa (ITALY) with state-of-the-art
laboratories and worldwide collaboration in the field of robotics, machine
learning, neuroscience, cognitive systems, and nanotechnology. In relation
to the iCub humanoid robot, the following themes are pursued:

Theme 2.1: Social augmentation for robotic platforms using Computer Vision
and Machine Learning
Theme 2.2: Haptic exploration for humanoid navigation with a compliant robot
Theme 1.2: An integrated dynamic engine for simulation, prediction,
perception and motor control
Theme 1.3: iCub whole-body motion coordination exploiting distributed force
and tactile sensing
Theme 1.4: Adaptive motor control with passive variable stiffness actuators
Theme 1.10: Learning affordances for and from manipulation
Theme 1.11: Towards a Humanlike "memory" for Humanoid robots
Theme 1.12: Sound localization and visio-acoustic cues integration
Theme 1.13: Actuators for humanoid robots based on electroactive polymers
Theme 1.14: Tactile object exploration
Theme 1.15: Event-driven visual perception
Theme 1.16: Event-driven tactile sensing
Theme 1.17: Emergence of invariance in a computational visual system:
humanoid robots as a platform to understand the computations in the visual
Theme 1.18: Moving in peripersonal space
Theme 1.19: Development of soft MEMS tactile sensing technologies for
Theme 1.21: Grounding language on the iCub
Theme 1.22: Human-Robot Interaction

Full details of the call and the application procedure can be found at:


More details on these themes can be found on the Annex A-4 of the call (with
additional contact information). If you have general questions about the
iCub or our research, please don't hesitate to contact me at
giorgio.metta_(at)_ iit.it.

Please note that the application procedure requires preparing and uploading
a set of documents here:

by the deadline of Sept 21st.
In case you have troubles in preparing the application please kindly ask Ms.
Anastasia Bruzzone
(anastasia.bruzzone _(at)_ iit.it) who is responsible for the administrative

Best regards,

Giorgio Metta

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Via Morego, 30
16163 Genoa, Italy
Ph: +39 010 7178-1411
Fax: +39 010 7170-817

URL: http://pasa.liralab.it

Index of August 2012 | Index of year: 2012 | Full index