26 July: fyi -- short term programming contract, Dublin
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Khresmoi project is looking to hire a java developer for a short term
contract. It would ideally suit young graduates or those between
contracts. If you know any student/colleague that could be interested,
please send them the following job description.
We require somebody to develop a web app which will allow users of the
app to highlight sections of documents and assign categories/tags to
these sections.
Job description:
A web app with this basic functionality has already been created with
Netbeans, Java. This app displays queries to the user, categories
associated with the queries, and a set of documents for each query.
For each document displayed the user can select sections of text and
indicate the categories which are associated with the given section of
text. The system keeps track of the queries and documents the user is
working on, so that the user can complete the task over several
sessions. A demo can be seen here: http://screenr.com/PV1H
This web app needs to be updated to include more enhanced
functionalities. These functionalities include: features to provide a
more user friendly experience when using the web app; features to
allow multiple users to log in to the system at once and dynamically
assign them queries and documents to mark from a pre-set collection;
features to track the time users spend actively using the app; and
addition of an administrator account for the tool, which includes
features to auto generate downloadable files containing details on the
assessments performed by system users and stats on the work performed
by system users to-date.
Required skills: Java, SQL, Netbeans
Contract duration: 1 month
Application deadline: 21st of August 2013
Salary: to be determined based on experience
Starting date: 2nd of September 2013
To apply for this job, please send a covering letter and your CV to
lorraine.goeuriot@computing.dcu.ie and liadh.kelly@computing.dcu.ie.
Index of July 2013 | Index of year: 2013 | Full index