8 July: fyi -- phd funding, Genoa, Italy

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PhD openings in Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering
University of Genoa, Italy

Dear All.

In the context of the Robotics and Autonomous Systems curriculum of
the PhD Program in Bioengineering and Robotics, I would like to
advertise the following themes:

** Theme 1: Biologically inspired approaches to perception, knowledge
representation and action in Robotics


1) Design, develop and validate a framework allowing a bi-manual robot
to learn bio-inspired, neural-based representation structures related
to real-world objects using force, vision and proprioceptive

2) Use the developed representation structures to assess knowledge
encoded in suitable neural spaces, in order to reason about goals,
plans and actions. Representation structures will refer to
capabilities (i.e., what a robot gains in considering them) and
affordances (i.e., what possible actions they entail).

3) Provide the robot with means to carry out planned actions while
monitoring their execution at run-time to implement multi-modal
sensory-motor couplings.

** Theme 8: Spatial, temporal and common sense reasoning in Robots


1) Design and develop innovative techniques to represent heterogeneous
and multi-modal sensory data. Such data will encode real-world objects
and events the robot perceives and interact with, taking into account
both spatial and temporal features.

2) Investigate novel (software) architectures and planning frameworks
for action (including the use of language) able to exhibit integrated
(task-level) symbolic and continuous planning capabilities, as well as
to modify and adapt the robot representation structures and planning
schemes on the basis of its experience.

A more detailed description of the themes can be found at:


** How to apply

Please refer to the official web page at:


** Deadlines

Please refer to the official web page at:


Perspective applicants interested in the aforementioned themes are
strongly encouraged to contact me in advance by sending an email



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