14 August: fyi -- PhD funding, Paris

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Laboratory of Excellency (LabEx) EFL (Empirical Foundations of
Linguistics [http://www.labex-efl.org/]) is seeking to fill a 3 year
full-time doctoral student position.

The research will focus on the applicability of optimisation methods to
deep syntactic analysis and semantic analysis of texts. More precisely,
we seek new algorithms for syntactic and semantic parsing based on
methods like Lagrangian relaxation.

These optimisation methods have been applied recently to various NLP
tasks (machine translation, syntactic parsing, semantic parsing,
summarisation…) with great success. The research work will first
concentrate on the application of these methods to the problem of
parsing with tree adjoining grammars or related formalisms. Then, the
integration of semantic operations will be investigated. More details:

The student will work at LIPN (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris
Nord), a research unit depending on CNRS/Université Paris13 Sorbonne
Paris Cité ([http://www.lipn.fr]). LIPN is a computer science laboratory
hosting 5 research teams. More than 130 members participate to the
research activities of the laboratory, among which 78 permanent members,
researchers and professors. LIPN is part of MathSTIC, a research centre
for mathematics and information technology. The doctoral student will
join the RCLN team whose research is centred on textual data, from
natural language processing to knowledge representation, semantic
information retrieval and data mining.

The student will be supervised by Joseph Le Roux, Associate Professor,
and Adeline Nazarenko, Full Professor. The successful candidate will
profit from the work environment at LIPN and resources from the strand
of LabEx EFL devoted to computational semantic analysis. Salary is
aligned on French governmental Ph.D. grant (1,684€ gross per month).

The candidate is expected to have a good knowledge of natural language
processing (knowledge of formalisms such as tree adjoining grammars is a
plus), some background in machine learning and a strong motivation for
learning optimisation methods.

Applications should contain:
• a CV
• Master's grades
• a copy of Master thesis
• a cover letter
• a recommendation letter

Deadline for applications: September 7 2014

Selection is a two step process: first pre-selection based on the
application material and then audition for the pre-selected candidates.
Auditions will take place during the 3rd week of September, either on
site at LIPN or by video call.

Contact for application and information Joseph Le Roux

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