1 December: FYI -- PhD funding, NL

Index of December 2015 | Index of year: 2015 | Full index

Candidates with expertise in NLP, computational linguistics and
machine learning welcome. See below for details:


PhD researcher Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence

The Tilburg Center for Communication and Cognition (TiCC) and the
Department of Communication and Information Sciences are looking for a
PhD researcher in the field of Cognitive Science and Artificial

TiCC is a Center of Excellence at Tilburg University and plans to
strengthen its position as a multidisciplinary research institute at
the forefront of research on cognition, communication and computation.
TiCC offers a home to more than 80 researchers, and we are seeking to
extend our research team with a new and enthusiastic colleague.


The candidate will conduct fundamental and applied PhD research in the
Creative Computing (CC) research program, a program focused on
cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Within the program, the
research currently focuses on behavioural and computational studies in
the area of cognition, perception, and action, with application
domains in learning, games and affective computing.

The successful candidate has

- an MSc. in a relevant discipline, such as Cognitive Science,
Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science, or Artificial Intelligence;
- expertise in one or more of the subdomains covered by the research
program Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, such as
cognitive psychology, cognitive science, natural language processing,
computational linguistics, machine learning, or data science;
- excellent writing skills and a good command of English.


For more information on the position, please contact prof.dr. Max
Louwerse (M.M.Louwerse@tilburguniversity.edu, +31 13 4663852) or
prof.dr. Eric Postma (E.O.Postma@tilburguniversity.edu, +31 13

Grzegorz ChrupaƂa
Communication and Information Sciences
Tilburg University
PO Box 90153
5000 LE Tilburg
The Netherlands

Twitter: @gchrupala
Web: grzegorz.chrupala.me
Phone: +31 13 466 3106
Email: g.chrupala@uvt.nl

Index of December 2015 | Index of year: 2015 | Full index