13 June: FYI -- PhD funding, NL
Index of June 2016 | Index of year: 2016 | Full index
scientific research, to report on this research in international publications
and presentations, and to present the final results of the research in a PhD
dissertation. The PhD students participate in local, national and
international training activities, including summer schools and conferences,
to maximally develop their potential. Some participation in faculty teaching
is negotiable.
As a member of the Graduate School for the Humanities, a PhD candidate may
participate in courses, seminars and summer schools organized by Dutch
national graduate school Landelijke Onderzoeksschool Taalkunde (LOT) and/or by
the Groningen Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
Linguistic research in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen is
organized in the Center for Language and Cognition Groningen (CLCG), which
includes 4 research lines:
- Computational Linguistics
- Discourse and Communication
- Neurolinguistics and Language Development
- Theoretical and Empirical Linguistics.
The proposed PhD research must be closely connected with research currently
carried out within one of these research lines. In addition, at least one of
the four PhD positions will be assigned to linguistic research related to one
of the three societal themes of the University (Healthy Ageing, Sustainable
Society, Energy). Please consult the CLCG web pages for a description of the
research groups and their work: https://www.rug.nl/research/clcg/
For a general description of the University’s societal themes, see
Application Deadline: 14-Aug-2016
Contact Information:
Prof. dr. C.J.W. Zwart
Jan-Wouter Zwart
Dept:Linguistics, Graduate School for the Humanities
Phone:00 31 (0)50 363 5975
Index of June 2016 | Index of year: 2016 | Full index