16 February: FYI -- Phd funding (Dusseldorf, DE)

Index of February 2018 | Index of year: 2018 | Full index

From: Laura Kallmeyer

The Department for Computational Linguistics of the Heinrich Heine
University Duesseldorf, Germany, invites applications for a PhD
position in Linguistics/Computational Linguistics (German scale
TV-L E13 65%).

The position starts in July 2018 and ends in June 2022. The candidate
will pursue a PhD project on theoretical and implementational aspects
of grammar development as part of the ERC project TreeGraSP
(treegrasp.phil.hhu.de) lead by Prof. Dr. Laura Kallmeyer.

The TreeGraSP project aims at combining rich linguistic theory with
data-driven approaches to large scale statistical grammar induction
and to semantic parsing. The novelty of its approach consists in
putting semantics at the center of grammar theory, putting an emphasis
on multilinguality and typological diversity, and adopting a
constructional approach to grammar by using tree-based grammar
frameworks such as Tree Adjoining Grammars (TAG) and Role and
Reference Grammar (RRG).

The PhD project will be primarily concerned with the formalization of
Role and Reference Grammar and with the implementation of selected
grammar fragments from typologically diverse languages. The project
will be co-supervised by Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. (State University of
New York at Buffalo/Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf).

Job requirements and qualifications:

- Master’s degree in Linguistics or Computational Linguistics
- Good background in grammar theory (morphology, syntax, semantics)
- Familiarity with formal methods in linguistics
- Proficiency of English (knowledge of German is not a prerequisite)

Not mandatory but a plus:

- Working knowledge of languages in addition to German or English
- Programming skills

Applications should include:

- Cover letter outlining interest in the position
- Names of two referees
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) with publications (if applicable)
- Copy of MA degree

For further questions, please send an email to

Applications should be sent in electronic form to
To be fully considered, applications must be received by
March, 2nd, 2018.

Prof. Dr. Laura Kallmeyer
Institut fuer Sprache und Information
Heinrich-Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
Universitaetsstr. 1
D-40225 Duesseldorf, Germany
Phone +49 (0)211 8113899, Fax +49 (0)211 8111325

Index of February 2018 | Index of year: 2018 | Full index