23 March: FYI -- PhD funding, Online culture ( UK)

Index of March 2018 | Index of year: 2018 | Full index

May I draw your attention to some PhD studentships here at
Loughborough University? This is the first wave of positions and
they’re part of a new interdisciplinary centre for doctoral training
we’re setting up. If you know talented students who are seeking
funding for their doctoral research I’d be grateful if you would alert
them to this message. Also, do feel free to distribute it more widely.

The description is below. More detail and information on how to apply here:


These positions are also formally advertised next week on jobs.ac.uk and findaphd.com

Informal enquiries can be directed to me at a.chadwick@lboro.ac.uk and/or to the primary supervisor for the specific project applicants are considering.

Many thanks.


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Improving the Health of Our Online Civic Culture: A New Centre for
Doctoral Training at Loughborough University

Established in 2018 with an award from Loughborough University’s
Adventure Research Programme, the Online Civic Culture Centre for
Doctoral Training (CDT) applies cutting-edge concepts and methods from
social science and information science to understand the role of
social media in shaping our civic culture. Led by Professor Andrew
Chadwick, it features a team of ten academic supervisors drawn from
the disciplines of communication, information science, social
psychology, and sociology. The CDT enables interdisciplinary teams of
researchers and PhD students to work together on issues of
misinformation, disinformation, and the rise of hate speech and
incivility online. It develops evidence-based knowledge to mitigate
the democratically-dysfunctional aspects of social media. At the same
time, it identifies and promotes the positive civic engagement
benefits of social media.


Professor Andrew Chadwick,
Professor of Political Communication,
Centre for Research in Communication and Culture,
Loughborough University,
United Kingdom.
(e) a.chadwick@lboro.ac.uk
(w) www.lboro.ac.uk/research/crcc
(w) www.andrewchadwick.com
(t) www.twitter.com/andrew_chadwick

Index of March 2018 | Index of year: 2018 | Full index