General Areas of Interest
Metaphor and Sense Extension; formal Semantics (e.g. natural language generics); Human reasoning with generics; Modality; Language Evolution; Foundations of HPSG; Formal language theory; Formal Syntax in HPSG; Dialog Grammar and Semantics; Grammar development and proofing tools; Forensic linguistics; Sampling methodology
Evaluating Empirical Methods for Eliciting Linguistic Judgements
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. (Under Examination).
Questioning the Language of Argument
MPhil in Linguistics. (Under Examination).
An investigation of linguistic coordination in dialogue between native speakers of English and Russian speaking learners of English
Part-time MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. (Under Examination).
Mapping Irish Synsets onto Princeton WordNet Synsets
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. (Under Examination).
Ambiguity in Legal Contexts
MPhil in Linguistics. 2005.
The Greenspan Effect
MPhil in Linguistics. 2005.
Using Authorship Identification Techniques to Cluster US Presidents on the Basis of Speeches
Part-time MPhil in Linguistics. 2005.
Experiments to Validate Scientifically Reliable Author Identification Techniques
MPhil in Linguistics. 2004.
Metaphoricity: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Analysis
MPhil in Linguistics. 2004.
A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Epistemic Modality in English
MPhil in Linguistics. 2004.
Formal Representation of Information Packaging in Catalan and English
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. 2003.
A Study in Machine Translation for Calendar Expressions.
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. 2002.
A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of European Right-Wing Party Manifestos
MPhil in Linguistics. 2002.
The Syntax and Semantics of the Subjunctive Mood in Brazilian Portuguese
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. 2002.
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Verbal Aggression in United States Law
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. 2001.
Syntactic Information Hiding in Plain Text
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. 2001.
Parallel Lines? User Expectations and System Capabili ties in Machine Translation
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. 2000.
An HPSG Account of Italian Case Marking
MPhil in Linguistics. 2000.
The Language of Fencing
MPhil in Linguistics. 2000.
Issues in the Syntax of Irish Gaelic relevant to Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. 1999.
Anaphoric Reference in DRT: An Implementation,
MPhil in Linguistics. 1997.
Metaphoricity and Computational Semantics,
MPhil in Speech and Language Processing. 1997.
A Compositional Approach to Aspectuality in Czech,
MPhil in Linguistics. 1997.
Cross-Serial Dependencies in Dutch and Swiss-German,
MPhil in Linguistics. 1997.
An investigation of the Semantic Nature of Italian Object Clitics,
Mphil in Linguistics. 1997.