29 June: Mon Nov 22 16:22:28 1999

Index of June 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index


The Wednesday 8pm Mahaffy's reading is from The Organisation of
Learning by Charles Gallistel. Chr 2: Representations. (London : MIT
Press 1990).

Martin indicates:

"The book is about animal cognition, examining evidence that they do,
(and proposing models of how they do), represent and react
appropriately to spatial (where they are), temporal (what time it is)
and numerical (is this a hundred tins of dog food I see before me)
aspects of the environment. This chapter is about what he thinks is
the right notion of representation."

Copies of the paper are outside my office.

Take care,


Index of June 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index