Intelligent Systems Discipline
Compultational Linquistics Group (CLG)
Each Wednesday we meet at 8pm in the snug at Mahaffy's to discuss a paper we agreed to circulate and read in the week before. It is an informal session in which the only expectation is that everyone participate. If you would like to be on the mailing list for this, please send mail to day soon the more complete list of papers we've looked at will appear below.
- More recent readings...
- December 9.
Edward Gibson and Kevin Broihier (1998) "Optimality Theory and Human Sentence Processing," In Barbosa et al (eds.) Is the Best Good Enough? Optimality and Competition in Syntax. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. pp 158-91. - December 2.
Thomas Goschke (1997) "Implicit Learning and Unconscious Knowledge: Mental Represeentation, Computational Mechanisms, and Brain Structures," In Lamberts and Shanks (eds). Knowledge, Concepts and Categories. Studies in Cognition. Psychology Press. - November 18.
Michael Schober (1993) "Spatial Perspective-Taking in Conversation," Cognition 47. pp 1-24. - November 11.
Hurford, J. R. & Kirby, S. (1998) "Co-Evolution of Language-Size and the Critical Period." In: David Birdsong (ed.) New Perspectives on the Critical Period Hypothesis and Second Language Acquisition. Lawrence Erlbaum. - November 4.
Gelman and Tardif, "A Cross-Linguistic Comparison of Generic Noun Phrases in English and Mandarin," Cognition 66 (1998) 215-48. - October 28.
Jim Hurford (Forthcoming), "Social Transmission Favours Linguistic Generalization" Knight et al. (eds) volume arising from the Second International Conference on the Evolution of Language, London, April 1998. - October 21.
Beverly Wulfeck, "A Reaction Time Study of Grammaticality Judgments in Children" - October 14.
Line Hove Leander Mikkelsen, An HPSG analysis of Agreement in Danish Noun Phrases. EUCCS-RP 1998-5. - List of earlier readings still to come...